Welcome to the January 2022 edition of NORTH
The Stellat'en drone project may be delivering bear grease now, but it's the first step to delivering healthcare supplies in the future.
Nicole Cross, Noxs Niisyuus, bids farewell to the FNHA.
FNHA jobs in the North: this month we feature environmental health officers. Plus a listing of other jobs just for you!
Julie Morrison, our acting Vice President of Regional Operations, offers a message of optimism for 2022.
Funding, programs, and staff changes at the FNHA that may impact you.
Our gallery this month features beadwork from across the North.
Find important contact info.Find
On the cover
This month's cover features a close up of the beadwork on a pair of mukluks made by Takla Elder and Bear Clan member, Cecilia Williams.Cecilia is a much respected person in her community and we are honoured to showcase her work in NORTH. Mussi cho Cecilia!
We have photos of more beaded pieces on page 7 of NORTH, so if you are looking for inspiration, have a look!
Next month we are featuring drums in our gallery. If you have a beautifully decorated drum, please send us a picture for our next edition.
Send photos and story ideas to SubscribeNorth@fnha.ca
NORTH is published 10 times a year. We skip December and combine July/August when everyone is busy with holidays and cultural events (maybe even a vacation!).
If you would like to receive NORTH send an email to SubscribeNorth@fnha.ca.
We welcome your suggestions for stories as well as your photos. You can use the same email to share those: SubscribeNorth@fnha.ca. Please include your contact info.
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501 - 100 Park Royal , West Vancouver, BC V7T 1A2, Canada
